
Jane Alam
2 min readDec 12, 2020


Pywedge is a new technique for data visualization, data processing, and EDA

Pywedge is a pip installable Python package that intends to,

  1. Make multiple charts in a single line of code, to enable the user to quickly read through the charts and can make informed choices in pre-processing steps
  2. Quickly preprocess the data by taking the user’s preferred choice of pre-processing techniques & it returns the cleaned datasets to the user in the first step.
  3. Make a baseline model summary, which can return ten various baseline models, which can point the user to explore the best performing baseline model.

Pywedge intends to help the user by quickly making charts, preprocessing the data, and rightly point out the best performing baseline model for the given dataset so that the user can spend quality time tuning such a model algorithm.


Makes 8 different types of interactive Charts with interactive axis selection widgets in a single line of code for the given dataset.

Different types of Charts viz,

  1. Scatter Plot
  2. Pie Chart
  3. Bar Plot
  4. Violin Plot
  5. Box Plot
  6. Distribution Plot
  7. Histogram
  8. Correlation Plot

Install pywedge

pip install pywedge

Importing the required libraries

import pandas as pd
import pywedge as pw

Loading the Dataset

We will use the breast cancer dataset for exploring pywedge

df = pd.read_csv(‘Downloads/breast_cancer.csv’)


mc = pw.Pywedge_Charts(df, c=None, y=”diagnosis” )
# For Visualization
chart = mc.make_charts()

In the output above we can clearly see visualize the interface which is created by pywedge. We can select different types of charts and use different variables to visualize the data.

Try this interesting and useful library on different datasets.

Thanks for reading!

If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to reach me on or my Linkedin Profile You can view my Github for different data science projects and packages tutorials.



Jane Alam

I am Sr. Data Scientist working in Birlasoft | Writing about Gen AI, Data Science, AI, ML, DL, Stats, Math